Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to CyberPups!

    • Equipment

    • What is Clicker Training?

    • What is Positive Reinforcement?

    • Clicker Mechanics

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    Lesson 1

    • The Focus Game

    • Safe Food Delivery

    • Sit!

    • Sit (PDF)

    • Suggested Puppy Schedule (PDF)

    • Mouthing & Nipping

    • Confidence Course

    • How to make a tug toy

    • Name Recognition

    • Mouth Manners

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    Lesson 2

    • Down

    • Down (PDF)

    • Loose Lead Walking - No Lead

    • Loose Lead Walking - No Lead (PDF)

    • Socialisation during Social Distancing

    • House Training

    • Quick Guide to House Training (PDF)

    • Culture Clash by Jean Donaldson

    • Lead Handling

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    Lesson 3

    • Recall - Triangles

    • Recall - Triangles (PDF)

    • Loose Lead Walking - Back Up!

    • Loose Lead Walking - Back Up! (PDF)

    • Handling

    • Handling (PDF)

    • Body Language 1 (PDF)

    • Body Language 2 (PDF)

    • Crate Training (PDF)

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    Lesson 4

    • Recall - Ping Pong

    • Recall - Ping Pong (PDF)

    • Loose Lead Walking - Dot to Dot

    • Loose Lead Walking - Dot to Dot (PDF)

    • Go to Bed / Mat / Place

    • Go to Bed / Mat / Place (PDF)

    • Mouse!

    • Mouse! (PDF)

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    Lesson 5

    • Recall - Recall & Release

    • Recall - Recall & Release (PDF)

    • Collar Touch

    • Collar Touch (PDF)

    • Nose Touch

    • Nose Touch (PDF)

    • On Lead Greetings - The 3 Second Rule

    • Four on the Floor (PDF)

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    Lesson 6

    • Loose Lead Walking - Figure of 8

    • Loose Lead Walking - Figure of 8

    • Emergency Stop 1

    • Emergency Stop 2

    • Emergency Stop (PDF)

    • What does a good puppy walk look like?

    • Next Steps - adding Distractions, Duration & Distance

    • Enrichment

    • Enrichment (PDF)

    • Kong Recipe Sheet

    • FRUIT & VEG

    • SMART50